Website is WIP, come back soon for a more complete and improved website!
My attempt at the 2022 Advent of Code programming challenge. Did it in Rust for no good reason and only got about 10 days in. Might come bacm to it sometime.
A multipurpose Discord bot written in Python with designed with customization in mind.
A hub for my projects and lets me share what I am doing. This is my first real exploration into web development.
A Discord bot to run a social experiment where random members are given admin. Join the server!
A C# library and eventually website for modifying save files for IIslands of WAR.
This is my first exploration into fractals. It is a shader is written in GLSL that visualizes the Mandelbrot set in several different ways.
After making the Mandelbrot shader, I modified someone elses implementation of the Julia set to add color similar to my shader.
This is the game I made for the Ludum Dare 46 game jam. I used Unity and Blender to make it in 72 hours which was quite a challenge being my first game.
My submission for the Weekend Jam 2, and my second game. It's a 2D shooter that I wrote the code for, and my friend created the music.
A tower defense game for the Weekend Jam 3. Again I wrote the code and my friend did the music.
A project to try and learn C#, intended to convert an image into ASCII art but I currently haven't gotten around to finishing it.
My first discord bot, been abandoned in favor of GuildMaster but I might recycle the name in the future.